Wednesday 14 February 2018

How Do CPA Network Works

Is it possible to make money with CPA Network in 2018

Making money with CPA is still possible, provided you are willing to put much effort into it. There is no free lunch in business. If someone wants to make money then get ready to work hard. And working online does not exclude this principle. 

What is CPA and how can you make money with it

There is a standard way to define CPA but I will make it simpler here by going according to my understanding through my experience of using the networks and I hope it makes sense to you. Companies pay a big chunk of money to advertise their products. 
For a company to find an online publisher might be easy by browsing the internet, but it is quite a long process to verify the  reliability of the blog or website, the weekly or monthly page views and to try to contact the author. That's where CPA networks come into play. They are like umbrella networks regrouping all the advertisers in one place and connecting them with publishers. If you have a blog promoting a specific niche. Let's say Blue Nike Sports Shoes for women for instance, and you want to get paid to promote this item on your blog. There are two ways to do that; you can either directly contact the merchant, sign up with him and be provided with tools (banners, text link, logo, search boxes) for you to place on your blog, In that case you become an affiliate, hence the term affiliate program.  So anytime a visitor on your page clicks on any of the links or banners provided and makes a purchase you get paid a commission.You are the "middleman" between the merchant and customers to drive traffic to his company through his website.  In the case of the CPA Network. You are the middleman between viewers visiting your blog or website and the CPA Network company. And the CPA Network company is the "middleman" between you and the advertisers. In other words between the visitors and advertisers there are two middlemen. You the publisher and the CPA Network company. The CPA Network company is not promoting only one advertiser but several of them with a plethora of products. The advantage of this method is that you don't need to worry about advertisers you are dealing with through the CPA Network companies. If one company stops business activities at any given time with the CPA Company it will not affect you. There are other advertisers to replace the one you lost.
As mentioned above this is my understanding of CPA Network and how it works. Someone else might have a better explanation. 

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Is it possible to make money with CPA Network in 2018 Making money with CPA is still possible, provided you are willing to put much ef...